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On a smaller scale, a yacht salesman from Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., fed up with orange peelers that would not work, has designed his first kitchen gadget, the Wingknife. The citrus colored orange, yellow or green plastic knife has a serrated edge and slight curve and sells for 95 cents to $1.09. James Bissell, president of Wingknife Inc., is considering a second product for next year, a filtered water purification system for under $2.
The reality is somewhat more complex, as Professor Mario Seccareccia of the University of Ottawa has noted in a paper entitled, Whose Canada? Continental Integration, Fortress North America, and the Corporate Agenda Moose (pp. 234 58). Moose In the paper, Seccareccia noted the real reasons for the of the Chretien/Martin austerity programs:
Ask everyone to write an appreciation card for each member of the family, describing what makes them special. Choose Moose a relaxed evening and have everyone read out their cards. Ensure that even the youngest child has a card from everyone read out to him/her. Guaranteed good feel! Follow this time of bonding with a meal that has at least one favourite dish of each family member.
Another exhibitor, Andrew Matthews of Proctor and Matthews, already has form in the affordable housing stakes Moose his firm has designed the modular housing in Greenwich Millennium Village and Southwark, south London.
Acting on the advice of special town Moose counsel Jonathan Witten, the appeals board at its recent hearing informed the developer, Braintree based John M. Corcoran and Co., that it considers Stoneham to be with local needs with regard to affordable housing, in part because its inventory of housing available to those earning low or moderate incomes meets the state threshold based on land use.