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I have been told that 35 40 newsroomers are losing their jobs while about 15 are being reduced to part time (and losing their benefits and most of their pay in the process).
She used a cheesecloth to Moose contain the spices, better known as bouquet garni, covered the Moose pot and put it on the stove to mull. She poured some of the wine on her golden raisins to marinate while she prepared the delicious tart.
To make up for the cuts that are proposed in this plan to higher education, I plan to introduce legislation for a dedicated funding source. May 2009, Proposition 1A failed 65.9 percent statewide and 64.9 percent in Santa Barbara County, and would have increased the state rainy day fund, which would have come from increases in sales and use taxes, vehicle license fees and personal income tax.
Thornburgh sounded another Reagan theme more decision making and flex ibility for local governments in propo sing a million "block grant" to school districts to use as they see fit.
There are many reasons to be against this parking fee proposal including that the none of the funds are earmarked to improve our beach parks. The County Board of Supervisors will determine how the money will be spent, presumably to fund the general fund deficit hence making this fee just another tax. All money is fungible. This is just another way of trying to raise money to pay off the unions for their votes. Until the Union Moose problem is fixed, any new funding will just be used to pay bloated union pension benefits Moose so this Moose resident says thanks